Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Power of Laughter

Laughter - Your Best Medicine!

Ask Yourself This Question...Why Laugh?

The psychological & spiritual benefits of healthy laughter are probably never realized or imagined.

You've most probably heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." Experts have proven there is strong evidence that humour and laughter actually makes a significant contribution to both your physical and mental health…..

Just imagine.... A stronger immune system, reduced stress hormones and pain reduction.

Laughter is portable, & can be taken anywhere & gives you immediate therapy.... & has an amazing effect on the ones around you.

Ask yourself……How many times did you laugh today? It's a known fact that children laugh much more than adults.

So go on…..Add more giggles & laughter into your life...Take a few steps back from your hectic lifestyle……

Enjoy your therapeutic laughter workout & benefit your whole well being!

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Healthy Woman

Women are multi-taskers and often take on too much which in turn starts to affect your health and your relationships with your family and friends.

Take Control Of Your Life...........

Just Imagine.....All These Resources Right At Your Fingertips......

* Bad Back
* Pregnancy
* Anti-Inflammatory
* Cancer Support
* Massage
* And More.......

Enjoy Good Health!

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Women's Magazines

A Great Selection Of Women's Magazines To Choose......

Titles Include 'Prevention'....'Total Health'....'Body+Soul'......

Grab Your Subscription Today

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Monday, May 15, 2006

Juicing for Healing & Health

Bring vitality and energy into your life...Juice the freshest fruits and vegetables.

The benefits of drinking freshly made fruit juices, vegetable juices and smoothies each day allows the body to absorb more vitamins and minerals into your diet.

Juicing is a fun way to make healthy, delicious drinks that are nutritional.

For example.....Bananas contain energy, fibre, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin A

Here's a shake that has Vit C and virtually a whole day's calcium needs. The added wheatgerm oozes with B vitamins and vitamin E.

To make, leaving as much pith on as possible, first juice the oranges and lime, and then blend with other ingredients.

oranges 2, peeled, leaving pith behind
lime 1, peeled (unless key lime)
banana 1, peeled
skimmed milk 10 oz
yoghurt 5 oz live, low fat
wheat germ 2 heaped tablespoons

I love the easy to follow recipes.This is a great book with an easy-to-use directory of common ailments with juices you should drink to treat them.....

Enjoy the benefits of juicing!

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Maximise Your Metabolism

Frustrated with trying to lose weight, increase your energy, or build a strong body without seeing any 'real' results? It’s time to follow Christopher Guerriero's proven formula for helping ordinary people develop extraordinary bodies. Click here to find out how his "Maximize Your Metabolism" powerful mentoring and coaching 12 month program can guarantee you succeed even if you have no time, no motivation, and no helpful genetics.

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Celebrate Mother's Day - Gifts

I was the light of my mother's life,
and she was the light of mine.
~ Lauren Bacall, Now~

Just Imagine.....The Perfect Gift Ideas To Celebrate Mother's Day

Order Flowers Online NOW!

Enjoy The Gift of Giving........ Your Special Gift For Mother's Day!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Karen Voight Body Sculpting System

"Start Sculpting and Toning Your Body In The Comfort Of Your Own Home!"

Price: $39.99 ==> Click Here

Product Features:
* Two instructional fitness DVDs and instructional booklets
* Everything you need to sculpt and tone your body at home
* Inflatable Versaball supports you, helps you target specific muscles
* 2 soft, pliable 3-pound Green Genie workout balls for a variety of strengthening exercises
* 24 x 68-inch non-slip yoga mat

A great way to improve your health.....Benefiting yourself and your family

Stay Healthy!

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